lameGenLite is a simple password generator, it
will generate a password from 4 through
67 characters in length. Please read the help section to
find out certain restrictions the program has currently.
It can generate in lower case, upper case,
numeric, special symbols, or all depending
on the mask you use. Just press generate
and you're done.
lameGenLite is Freeware/Donationware.
lameGenLite requires Windows 2000/XP(x86/x64)/Vista
(x86/x64) or Mac OSX 10.5.x(Universal)
lameGenLite is currently in beta stages, so it will
contain bugs and there are currently no options to set.
If you find a bug please let me know in the forum.
Also, lameGenLite is english only and as of now I don't
plan to make it multilingual.