lameGen is simply a password generator, it
will generate passwords from 4 through
infinite characters in length.
It can generate in lower case, upper case,
numeric, special symbols, or all depending
on the mask you use. Just press generate
and you're done.
If you're a programmer lameGen can
also generate cd-keys.
Features incude:
- Generate multiple passwords
- Multiple language support
- Generate from command line
- Save as text or CSV file
lameGen is Freeware/Donationware.
lameGen works on and has been tested with Windows 98/ME/2000/XP(x86/x64)/Vista(x86/x64).
Note for Windows 98 users: If you try to install lameGen
you'll get an error saying "Unable to register the
DLL/OCX" just press ignore and it should run fine.